Updating your front door can give your home instant kerb appeal. Using a water based eggshell such as our Exterior Eggshell will flex with the wooden surface to avoid brittle cracking or flaking, is quick drying and a cost effective way to update the exterior of your home…some decent dry weather for painting would be perfect 🙏🏻 .Paint colour is ‘Jade’ from our archive collection..#FenwickAndTilbrook #PaintColours #PaintVideos #PaintInspo #PaintInspiration #PaintIdeas #PaintColors #Exterieur #ExteriorPaint #WaterBasedPaint #GreenScheme #AdoreGreenDecor
Hand-poured summer vibes 💙 Santorini has so far been our most popular non-neutral exterior paint colour.
#fenwickandtilbrook #paintcolours #summerschemes #bluewall #summervibes #summerdecor #summerpainting #interiorproject #exteriorproject #gardendesign #masonry #vividblue #bluepaint
This zingy, springy paint colour is Kelp! Made to order in three tin sizes and six paint finishes.
#fenwickandtilbrook #springgreens #greendecor #yellowgreen #freshgreens #greendecor #springupdate #paintideas #paintcolours #paintinspiration #paint #paintbrand #handpoured #matchpot #samplepot #paintsamples #colourscheme #scheming #colourpop
Such a stunning use of ‘Natterjack’ on walls and woodwork here by @cotswold_cottage
#fenwickandtilbrook #greenpaint #greenwall #cotswoldcottage #oldhouse #adoregreendecor #greenscheme #wallsandwoodwork #sittingroomstyle #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas
Woodland Jay - one of your favourites! This sophisticated murky pink was inspired by the plumage from the woodland jays we see on the daily countryside commute!
#fenwickandtilbrook #pinkpaint #pinkwall #pinkdecor #renovate #dirtypink #decor #paint #colour #luxurypaint #designerpaint #interiorstyling #paintscheme #paintideas #colourmyhome #paintinspo #furniturepainting #decorate #interiordesign #diyinspiration #restoration #renovation #colourpop #styleitpink #colourscheme #letsdecorate #paintingandecorating #powerofpaint #featurewall
Here is ‘Rusty Rose’ - one of our darker, grown-up pinks from the collection.
#fenwickandtilbrook #pink #pinkwall #pinkdecor #pinkpaint #colourpop #paintideas #interiorpaint #featurewall #exteriorpaint #colourscheme #paintscheme #interiorinspo #paint #decorideas #paintinspiration
95. Indian Prince
Vibrant deep orange ‘Indian Prince’ inspired by the beautiful variety of Calendula marigolds 🧡
#fenwickandtilbrook #colourpop #vibrantinteriors #paintinspiration #paintcolours #orangewall #orangepaint #featurewall #painting #orangeinterior #paintsamples #handpoured #testerpot #matchpot
Woodland Jay is one of our grown up, dirty pinks, inspired by the plumage from the woodland jays we see on the daily countryside commute!
#fenwickandtilbrook #pinkpaint #pinkwall #pinkdecor #renovate #decor #paint #colour #luxurypaint #woodlandjay #designerpaint #interiorstyling #paintscheme #paintideas #colourmyhome #paintinspo #furniturepainting #decorate #interiordesign #diyinspiration #diyprojects #restoration #renovation #diydecor #colourpop #styleitpink #colourscheme #letsdecorate #paintingandecorating #colourlover
Our Inspiration Box is the perfect tool for an on-the-go designer, serious renovator or for someone who just isn’t sure what colours they want!! 150 painted cards, drilled and boxed, with a ring to keep them all together.
#fenwickandtilbrook #paintpalette #colourrange #redecorating #painttips #paintideas #powerofpaint #interiorpainting #scheming #colourscheme #interiordesign #interiordecorating #interiordecoratingideas
Ribbons of olive green loveliness! This is ‘Natterjack’
#fenwickandtilbrook #paintsamples #paintinspiration #adoregreendecor #greenpaint #paintcolours #interiorpainting #paint #paintpalette #qualitypaint #olivegreen #greendecor #greenwall
Woodland Jay is one of our dirtier pinks! It’s a grown up shade named after the plumage of the very beautiful bird spotted lots around Fenwick & Tilbrook HQ.
#fenwickandtilbrook #pinkpaint #pinkwall #pinkdecor #renovate #decor #paint #colour #luxurypaint #woodlandjay #designerpaint #interiorstyling #paintscheme #paintideas #colourmyhome #paintinspo #furniturepainting #decorate #interiordesign #diyinspiration #diyprojects #restoration #renovation #diydecor #colourpop #styleitpink #colourscheme #letsdecorate #paintingandecorating #colourlover
This is ‘Pall Mall’ - our super sophisticated deep magenta. A cosy colour that packs a luxurious punch! Perfect for Autumn.
#fenwickandtilbrook #luxurypaint #paintcolours #styleitdark #darkdecor #featurewall #luxurydecor #paintpigment #paintpalette #paintinspo #purplepaint #redpaint
Next generation renovator right here! We love this video from @new.old.butchers.shop
Paint Colour: ‘Rusty Rose’
#fenwickandtilbrook #renovationproject #limeplaster #claypaint #paintcolours #paintpalette #rustyrose #pinkwall #pinkinteriors #pinkinspo #luxurypaint #luxurypainting #colourpalette #paintingvideo
This beautiful muted mint is called ‘Oceans’ - it’s a real customer favourite. We LOVE it too!!
#fenwickandtilbrook #colourscheme #interiordecorating #mintgreen #bluegreen #pastelinterior #interiordecoratingideas #renovate #decor #paint #colour #luxurypaint #designerpaint #loveyourspace #interiorstyling #paintideas #colourmyhome #paintinspo #furniturepainting #decorate #interiordesign #diyinspiration #diyprojects #restoration #renovation #diydecor #colourpop #colourscheme #letsdecorate #paintingandecorating
Some of our favourite eggshell and tinted primer combos from last week - we’re very happy to tint your primer to one of our colours for no extra cost. Just ask!
#fenwickandtilbrook #madetoorder #lowvocpaint #lowvoc #eggshell #primer #waterbased #paintcolours #bluewall #bluepaint #depthofcolor
The perfect rich ochre paint colour - ‘Chanterelle’
#fenwickandtilbrook #yellowwall #ochre #mustardwalls #yellowdecor #paintcolours #paintsamples #paintvideos #handpoured #paintpalette
‘Goldcrest’ is our most vibrant happy yellow, a perfect colour to end the week with - just in time for the imminent heat wave ☀️
#fenwickandtilbrook #yellowwall #colour #featurewall #mustardyellow #ochre #qualitypaint #yellowpaint #happycolours #paintpalette #paintcolours #brightdecor #colourscheme #interiorpaint #colourpop #yellowinspiration #colourinspiration
It’s so satisfying to see our range painted out and displayed like this!
#fenwickandtilbrook #paintcolours #colourpalette #paintpalette #paint #interiorstudio #interiordesigner #interiors #paintshop #colourpop #colourscheme #paintinganddecorating #studiodisplay #shopdisplay #paintinspo #paintvideos #timelapse